Saturday, February 9, 2019

Where I Am, and Where I Want To Go

A subject that I believe would be rewarding to research, of major interest in my current school and something I think any art teach or art historian would want to teach is: 'the perception of African American art in modern society'. A topic such as this would be able to take a look at the breadth of African American are through history, tacking the mindset and social understandings of the art makers while leaving ample room to discuss the subject matter, symbolism and other content of the art they produced. The follow up to that would be the impact it has had on society and how it all may have helped shape history.

I would see the above content areas as maybe a preamble to a much more energized area where research and discussion would show students the wide array of contemporary African American artists making names for themselves in society today. We could discuss their influences, the origins of their subjects and styles, events that may have lead to their art and what sort of issues, struggles and controversies they have encountered while making a name for themselves. I want my art classroom to be very forward thinking while still remaining reverent to the past. And I believe that showcasing current talent on the art scene could be a tremendous motivating factor for most students, especially those who don't believe they could ever have a future doing the creative endeavors they love. Once students see the great impact African American art has had on modern society, I think they will even better feel that gravitational pull that art can have on them.

I have spent a fair amount of time researching some of the key contemporary artists I would present to classes and after a good deal of peer observation, other notable artist have also come to mind. Yet I still feel like I have only scratched the surface in preparation for a topic like this. I am versed in some artists, but not nearly enough. Another thing I want to know is the public reception to many of these artists works. I know things at an academic level and I certainly know my preferences and what art makes me think, or brings me joy. But I need to research more into how society has responded to African American art throughout history. I want to know more about the praise, the misunderstandings, the backlash and the controversies as I see all of that as worthy of exploration.