Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Welcome to My Professional Blog

Hello there! I'm Matty Cipov, currently I am in the process of getting my Post Baccalaureate Art Teacher Certification at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, and I'm also an art teacher at LaFollette K-8th School. Already being a teaching professional takes care of a huge goal of mine, but considering how new I still am to the profession there are a number of other goal that I have. My experience so far as an art teacher has been very special thus far and I look forward to doing this for many years to come.

I entered LaFollette while the school was already weeks into the 2018-2019 school year and had pretty much given up on the prospects of having an art professional in the building for the immediate future. I had to rebuild the art room environment back up from a place of neglect and I am still learning what it is like to operate with limited supplies. Beyond that, I am so new to this experience that I find new challenges every week. I realize these are the jitters and stumbles of someone still quite new to a job. But I think what takes it to a more serious level for me is knowing that new, or not, I am working with students each day. And despite my current short-comings, they deserve a quality art experience each week.

What I look forward to is having my bearings and knowing more of what to expect each week as I get deeper into teaching. More than that, I look forward to the possibility of being able to properly construct an art room with more supplies available, or easier to obtain so my students really can thrive.


Lastly, here is a photo of me working with a bunch of awesome 3rd graders at Fratney School in late 2018. It was such a good experience and I loved seeing all the smiling faces. Nothing makes me a happier art teacher than seeing smiling faces.